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Tropical Escape! Your DIY Mango & Coconut Oil Face Mask

Coconut oil face mask - Dr. Pingel

Times are stressful now. And if I were a betting person, I’d wager a guess that you’re probably in need of a tropical escape right about now. While I can’t give you a much-needed vacation, I can give you the next best thing: a tropics-inspired DIY Mango & Coconut Oil Face Mask!

I don’t know about you, my many of my friends and family (myself included!) have had to forego some of their standard beauty and relaxation treatments. Instead, the normal small things we do to treat ourselves have been replaced with loads of stress, worry, and anxiety about not only our current situation but also our uncertain future.

Now more than ever, it’s so important to hit pause and take some time out for yourself—even if it’s just for 5 minutes! So, I’d like to share my personal DIY Mango & Coconut Oil Face Mask with you to help you do just that.

Featuring ingredients you either already have in your kitchen or can easily and quickly grab from your local grocery store, this mask will leave you feeling refreshed, relaxed, and ready to tackle whatever comes next. But what makes this mask so special? I’m glad you asked ….

First, this mask truly does draw on tropical inspirations thanks to its first two ingredients: mango and coconut oil! But there’s way more to the carefully chosen ingredients in this mask than just their tropical roots.

As you may recall from a previous article, mango has been used in natural remedies for thousands of years. In fact, it’s known to help treat everything from heat stroke and asthma to throat infections and even liver disorders! [1]

Even more importantly and timely, though, mango is known to contain immunomodulatory properties, meaning it can help to activate your immune system. In addition, it’s the featured ingredient in this mask due to its ability to help support your skin health and regeneration.

For example, according to a 2013 animal study, mango extract actually helps fight UVB-related skin aging and can even increase collagen synthesis. [2] And other studies have shown that, due to its vitamin A content, mango can help stimulate new skin cell production and even slow the skin’s aging process. [3]

As for the other ingredients, both coconut oil and raw honey have been shown to contain anti-microbial properties, which can help to fight acne.

In fact, numerous studies have reported the beneficial use of coconut oil for skin health, including treating dermal infections and reducing the use of antibiotics! [4] It’s easy to see why a coconut oil face mask would be beneficial for your skin, right?

Meanwhile, the baking soda and lemon juice act as exfoliators to help slough off dead skin. This leaves you feeling refreshed and renewed. And if that doesn’t remind you of how you feel after a visit to the tropics, I don’t know what will!

So, let’s get in your kitchen and whip up the easiest and best face mask you’ll ever try. You’re just 5 minutes away from your own personal tropical escape!


DIY Mango & Coconut Oil Face Mask


Time: 5 minutes

Makes: 2 masks




2 tablespoons very finely chopped mango

1 tablespoon coconut oil

2 tablespoons raw honey

2 tablespoons baking soda

1 teaspoon lemon juice



1. In a small bowl, combine all ingredients and stir until fully incorporated.

2. Wash your face with warm water and pat your skin dry with a towel.

3. Gently apply the face mask mixture in a circular motion to your entire face. Leave on for 15 minutes, or until dry.

4. Use a soft wash cloth and warm water to gently remove the face mask. Pat your skin dry with a towel.


DIY Mango & Coconut Oil Face Mask Tips:

DIY Mango & Coconut Oil Face Mask

Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 2 masks


  • 2 tbsp very finely chopped mango
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp raw honey
  • 2 tbsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp lemon juice


  • In a small bowl, combine all ingredients and stir until fully incorporated.
  • Wash your face with warm water and pat your skin dry with a towel.
  • Gently apply the face mask mixture in a circular motion to your entire face. Leave on for 15 minutes, or until dry.
  • Use a soft wash cloth and warm water to gently remove the face mask. Pat your skin dry with a towel.


DIY Mango & Coconut Oil Face Mask Tips:
  • If you find that your DIY Mango & Coconut Oil Face Mask is too runny to apply, add baking soda—¼ teaspoon at a time—until you reach desired consistency.
  • It’s OK if the mask is slightly chunky. The coconut oil will soften as you apply the mask.
  • The baking soda gently exfoliates your skin, so apply gently.
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