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The Ultimate Weight Loss Smoothie

Introducing … my Ultimate Weight Loss Smoothie!

It’s the new year, which means weight loss is front of mind for many people. But the truth is that it can be hard to reach and maintain a healthy weight during this time of year.

I always say that when you support your body with delicious, nutritious foods, weight loss and management come along with it. And that’s exactly what this smoothie does: My Ultimate Weight Loss Smoothie is big on flavor yet filled with ingredients that don’t pack on the pounds.

In fact, the ingredients in this smoothie have been known to support weight loss efforts! How? Let’s take a quick look and then get right to the quick and easy recipe.

First, my Ultimate Weight Loss Smoothie contains one cup of frozen strawberries, which not only provide fantastic flavor but also serve as a rich source of flavonoids

Interestingly, increased consumption of the flavonoids found in strawberries has been inversely associated with weight gain.

According to a 2016 study, eating blueberries, apples, pears, prunes, strawberries, and grapes were all shown to promote healthy weight management. [1]

But there’s even more weight management support in The Ultimate Weight Loss Smoothie in the form of spinach.

This recipe calls for one cup of raw spinach, which is known to contain membrane proteins called thylakoids. According to a 2019 review, consuming thylakoids can induce satiety and therefore reduce feelings of hunger. [2]

As a result, the researchers surmised that eating thylakoid-rich foods such as spinach can decrease appetite and overall food intake, which supports weight management efforts.

Finally, one serving of The Ultimate Weight Loss Smoothie calls for one-half of a grapefruit, which is known to support healthy weight management.

According to one study, people who consumed half of a fresh grapefruit daily for 12 weeks lost over five times more weight than people taking a placebo. Specifically the grapefruit group lost more than 3.5 pounds while the placebo group lost only 0.66 pounds! [3]

As you can see, my Ultimate Weight Loss Smoothie is filled with some powerfully proven weight management-supporting ingredients!

Ready to give it a try? Keep scrolling for the recipe, which only takes 5 minutes to make!


The Ultimate Weight Loss Smoothie

Time: 5 minutes

Serves: 1



1 cup frozen strawberries

1 cup raw spinach

½ medium grapefruit, segmented

1 medium frozen banana

½ cup dairy-free milk



1. In a high-speed blender, combine all the ingredients. Blend until smooth.

2. Enjoy immediately.

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