Delicious-Tasting AIP-Friendly Coffee

by | Oct 9, 2021 | Recipes & DIY | 0 comments

Why would you need a recipe for Delicious-Tasting AIP-Friendly Coffee? Well, if you’re on the AIP diet (autoimmune protocol diet) to help fight inflammation and support your immune health, you’re likely well aware that coffee is on the list of “foods to avoid.”

Here’s some good news: I’ve created a Delicious-Tasting AIP-Friendly Coffee recipe you’ll love.

And the best news? You can adapt the recipe to fit your preferred level of strength. So, why is this coffee recipe okay for those on the AIP diet and what makes it health-promoting? Let’s take a look at the ingredients.

The main ingredient in my Delicious-Tasting AIP-Friendly Coffee is dried dandelion root. I use this because dandelion has incredible anti-inflammatory properties. And since the AIP diet is designed to reduce inflammation and pain in those with autoimmune disorders, it’s the perfect ingredient!

According to a 2016 study, researchers found that dandelion extract exhibited anti-inflammatory activity and inhibited inflammatory signaling. [1]

Meanwhile, other studies have also found that dandelion has the ability to reduce inflammatory markers, further confirming the anti-inflammatory properties of dandelion. [2]

Additionally, dandelion has been known to support the health of your immune system, thanks to its antibacterial and anti-viral properties.

A 2019 study revealed that dandelion root extract improved immune function in animals, while a 2014 study showed that dandelion extract contains anti-viral effects in both animals and humans. [3, 4]

This Delicious-Tasting AIP-Friendly Coffee also features dried chicory, which has a similar flavor profile to coffee but with a slightly woody, nutty flavor. But did you know that chicory also contains inulin, a beneficial type of fiber known to support healthy gut bacteria?

Finally, this AIP coffee recipe also features carob powder. And while carob is officially a bean (which is off-limits on the AIP diet), carob powder is only made from the pod of the carob beans and not the actual bean itself. As a result, with that tiny change, carob powder is allowed on the AIP diet!

Carob is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it an ideal ingredient in this Delicious-Tasting AIP-Friendly Coffee. So, let’s not wait any longer and get right to this incredible recipe. You’re only 10 minutes away from having a delicious cup of “coffee” that you’ll love!


AIP-Friendly Coffee

Time: 10 minutes

Makes: 12-14 oz


AIP-friendly coffee - Dr. Pingel



For the coffee:

2 tablespoons dried dandelion root

1 tablespoon dried chicory

1 tablespoon carob powder

12-14 oz hot water


For the add-ins (optional):

2 teaspoons maple syrup

¼ cup unsweetened coconut milk



1. In a heatproof vessel, combine the dandelion root, chicory, and carob powder.

AIP-friendly coffee - Dr. Pingel

2. Add the hot water and allow to steep for 5 to 8 minutes.

AIP-friendly coffee - Dr. Pingel

3. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer into coffee cups. Discard the solids.

AIP-friendly coffee - Dr. Pingel

4. Add in the maple syrup and/or unsweetened coconut milk to taste, if using.

AIP-friendly coffee - Dr. Pingel



A stronger brew will result from a combination of less water and longer steep time.