Personal Health Consultations 1

Personal Health Consultations

with Dr. Pingel

Good news: Dr. Pingel is now offering one-on-one virtual health and wellness coaching sessions to assist you in your quest for total health.
Take a look at the offerings below so you can best determine how you should proceed:

Book Your Appointment Now

Order Your Own Lab Tests

Consider Dr. Pingel’s Custom Panels

What People Are Saying

Dr. Pingel helped me when my doctor brushed off my symptoms. She provided a fresh perspective and guided me on how to ask the questions I needed to have answered. I left our session feeling informed and empowered to really take control of my health. Thank you, Dr. Pingel!

She was able to enhance my already good health by suggesting I speak to my doctor about adding a supplementation routine that has proven to be powerful in helping my immune system remain at its strongest. She also educated me on the value of nutritional IV therapy for my current health situation. It turns out, my doctors office offers that service! The addition of some IV Therapy at various times has been a bonus in my overall health. The combination of information I have received has been life changing for me. I feel wonderful and have an abundance of energy! Thank you Dr. Pingel!

My monthly cycles are literally a pain and I wasn’t getting anything from my doctor on what to do! I reached out to Dr. Pingel to chat about my cramping and bloating and she suggested that I have my hormones tested to see if there were any concerns. She explained to me why these labs would be helpful – which made everything so clear! She also recommended a daily supplement which I have been taking for several months now. It has taken about a month of the herbs to kick in, but I am on the right track. I appreciate Dr. Pingel taking the time to listen and work with me! You are the best.

I highly recommend a Personal Health Consultation with Dr. Pingel. She listens. She cares. She provides detailed recommendations to improve your overall health and well being. It’s obvious that Dr. Pingel loves her work. You WILL NOT be disappointed!

After years of medical bills and no answers from my primary care physician, I reached out to Dr. Pingel. She took the time to listen to me and advised me to search for the root cause of what was going on with my health. I have struggled with infertility, an inflamed liver, and inflammation. Quickly, Dr. Pingel suggested a list of blood work to discuss with my primary physician, which I did and, because of this, my physician was able to finally give me a diagnosis that explained my symptoms. She suggested I discuss a specific diet with my doctor to manage my inflammation. After just one month on the diet, I have lost 15 pounds and have little to no pain. Thanks to her wellness consulting, I was able to communicate with my doctor more efficiently and get better control of my health! I am so thankful for Dr. Pingel!

I have sleep issues and Dr. Pingel played a huge part in getting me to a place of lowered stress and anxiety levels. She provided me with meditation and breathing techniques as well as suggested some herbs to discuss with my doctor to help me get to sleep at night. I am now sleeping better because of you! Thank you Dr. Pingel!

Dr. Pingel is the healthcare coach I’ve been searching for! Over the past 10 years, I’ve wished I could find someone who could review my overall health picture and help me figure out what is going on. She was incredibly knowledgable and helpful. I am beyond grateful for her insight and look forward to working with her in the future!

Very knowledgeable and focused on finding out the root of the problem. I love Dr Pingel and I do recommend her to anybody going through body and hormone changes and wants to understand and address the issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of questions can I ask in the Private Q&A with Dr. Pingel?

You can ask anything related to your health and well-being! Sample questions include: 

  • What do you think about statin therapy? 
  • What are some natural alternatives for assisting sleep? 
  • What is your approach to eliminating allergies?
  • Are there natural remedies for stomachaches? 
  • Tell me more about adrenal fatigue and ways to start improving it
  • What labs are typically looked at for thyroid evaluation? 
  • In general, what labs do you screen each year? 
  • Why do you feel one should eliminate dairy products?
  • What are your thoughts on keto/paleo/vegan/carnivore diets
  • What are the symptoms of Estrogen Dominance? How to do approach these conditions? 
  • What do you commonly suggest for acne? 
  • Can we discuss the birth control pill?
Which offering is right for me?

If you suspect that you need a more in-depth session with Dr. Pingel beyond a Q&A session, the Root Cause Second Opinion & History Review may be the right fit for you.

During the Root Cause Second Opinion & History Review, Dr. Pingel ca do everything included in Private Q&A appointments, PLUS:

  • Make suggestions/confirmations for changes in lifestyle.
  • Recommended supplements to discuss with doctor.
  • Explain your current lab results in detail.
  • Discuss any further lab suggestions for more precise workups.
  • Offer invaluable educational advice on how your body works and how to recognize imbalances to correct them. 
  • And More!
What if I want or need more time?

Sometimes you may need more time with Dr. Pingel. In that case, you can discuss options specifically suited for your situation with Dr. Pingel. Whether you need a second appointment or want to become a patient, Dr. Pingel will take your individual concerns into consideration and make recommendations for next steps.

I’m interested in becoming a patient. How do I do that?

Dr. Pingel offers concierge medical services. If you are interested in having Dr. Pingel become your personal concierge doctor, visit for more information.