DIY Daily Almond Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin

by | Dec 29, 2020 | Beauty DIY | 0 comments

Winter months can leave your skin dry, itchy, and peeling, which is uncomfortable and sometimes completely miserable. If you find this is the case, check out my DIY Daily Almond Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin.

Specially made for delicate skin, such as your face, this moisturizer is also intense enough to hydrate dry skin anywhere on your body. And that’s thanks to the sweet almond and rosehip seed oils.

First, studies have shown that sweet almond oil not only helps to protect the integrity of your skin’s barrier, but also contains anti-aging properties. Meanwhile, the rosehip seed oil contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. [1]

Specifically, sweet almond oil was found to be more effective at improving the itching and progression of stretch marks. [2] Other studies also confirmed that using almond oil topically prevented structural skin damage caused by UV exposure. [3]

Additionally, one study revealed that combining rosehip seed oil with fat-soluble vitamins was effective against inflammatory skin conditions, including eczema, neurodermatitis (itching, scaling skin), and cheilitis (inflamed, itchy lips). [4]

Finally, the lavender essential oil in this DIY Daily Almond Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin also contains antioxidant and anti-microbial properties, meaning it may be able to help certain skin irritations, such as acne.

Amazingly, lavender oil has also been shown to help reduce stress and was even effective at reducing the severity off migraine headaches in as little as 15 minutes! [5]

So, let’s not wait any longer to dive into this recipe. You’re only three ingredients and five minutes away from having your favorite new moisturizer on hand!


DIY Daily Almond Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin

Makes: 1.5 oz

Time: 5 minutes


Almond oil moisturizer - Dr. Pingel



2 tablespoons sweet almond oil

1 tablespoon rosehip seed oil

5 drops lavender essential oil



1. In a small bowl, whisk together the almond oil, rosehip seed oil, and lavender essential oil.

Almond oil moisturizer - Dr. Pingel

2. Use a funnel to transfer the mixture into a dark glass bottle with a dropper or pump top.

Almond oil moisturizer - Dr. Pingel

3. Clean your face, then pat dry. Place 2-3 drops of the almond oil moisturizer on your fingertips. Apply to your face with fingertips in a circular motion.

Almond oil moisturizer - Dr. Pingel


Almond oil moisturizer - Dr. Pingel

DIY Daily Almond Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin

Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 1.5 oz


  • 2 tbsp sweet almond oil
  • 1 tbsp rosehip seed oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil


  • In a small bowl, whisk together the almond oil, rosehip seed oil, and lavender essential oil.
  • Use a funnel to transfer the mixture into a dark glass bottle with a dropper or pump top.
  • Clean your face, then pat dry. Place 2-3 drops of the almond oil moisturizer on your fingertips. Apply to your face with fingertips in a circular motion.