Super Delicious Breakfast Cookie Recipe

by | Aug 29, 2019 | Recipes & DIY | 2 comments

Forget the granola bar because now you can have cookies for breakfast! That’s right—it’s a gluten-free, healthy breakfast cookie recipe. These can be eaten as breakfast or a snack option—or both, which is what I do! I’m all for any excuse to eat cookies.

These cookies aren’t like the typical breakfast cookies that contain brown sugar, bleached wheat flour, and other not-so-good for you ingredients. Instead, I added health-promoting ingredients such as quick oats, flaxseeds, chia seeds, bananas, pumpkin seeds, and dried cranberry.

Recipe Qualities

  • Dense
  • Filling
  • Flavorful
  • Gooey

Ingredients Used

  • Cranberries
  • Oats
  • Pumpkin seeds


3 Health Benefits of This Breakfast Cookie Recipe

1. Filled with fiber

Did you know that 95 percent of people don’t get enough fiber? [1]

The amount of fiber you eat directly impacts how your digestive tract functions.

Unfortunately, if your gut isn’t functioning properly, then chances are high that the rest of your body isn’t functioning properly either.

So what can you do? Adding fiber is a great and easy way to support a healthy gut. Luckily, these cookies are loaded with fibrous ingredients, such as oats.

Oats contain the powerful fiber beta-glucan. Beta-glucan may help to prevent and even treat metabolic syndrome, which is associated with the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. [2, 3]

Beta-glucans also help regulate cholesterol. Studies have shown that consuming foods with beta-glucans helps lower LDL (low-density lipoproteins) cholesterol, also known as “bad cholesterol.” [4]

2. May help prevent urinary tract infections

I’m sure you probably heard that drinking cranberry juice can help fight a urinary tract infection (UTI). Perhaps you’ve even given the cranberry juice pep talk to a loved one or friend going dealing a painful UTI.

The truth behind the cranberry juice craze is just that: truth.

I wanted to add cranberries to these cookies precisely due to their ability to fight off UTIs, which are typically caused by the bacteria E. coli. It starts as an intestinal bacterium that later attaches itself to the inner surface of your bladder and urinary tract.

While cranberries contain mostly carbs and fiber, they also pack a punch in the phytonutrient department—especially one called A-type proanthocyanidins, which may help prevent E. colifrom attaching itself to the inner surface of your bladder and urinary tract. [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Additionally, studies have shown that consuming cranberries may help prevent or reduce the risk of developing UTIs in both adults and children. [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

3. Contains magnesium, iron, and more

Pumpkin seeds have numerous benefits, which is why I thought they would be a great addition to these granola breakfast cookies. They’re a natural source of iron, so these cookies can aid those suffering from iron deficiency and its many symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, brittle nails, and cold hands and feet.

They also can improve estrogen levels and even help prevent excess estrogen. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc as well, which helps support progesterone production (making them especially beneficial for women nearing the second phase of their cycles).

Another great thing about pumpkin seeds is that they are packed with magnesium. About one-fourth of a cup of pumpkin seeds, which is the exact amount I used for this recipe, contains nearly 50 percent of your daily value of magnesium. If you’re deficient in magnesium, you could be experiencing symptoms such as headaches (sometimes migraines), muscle spasms, and hyperirritability. [15]

Magnesium is also crucial for keeping your blood sugar levels regulated and your blood pressure in check.

Finally, studies have shown that patients with advanced kidney disease had lowered blood sugar levels after consuming seed supplements. Not only were there blood sugar levels regulated, but there was a reduction in inflammation and insulin levels. [16, 17, 18]

Super Delicious Breakfast Cookie Recipe

You may be surprised to learn that you likely already have many of these ingredients lying around your kitchen. If that’s the case, all you need now is a bowl, a mixing fork, a baking sheet, and some parchment paper. So, put on your favorite podcast or album and let’s get to these incredibly delicious (and good for you) vegan banana oatmeal cookies!


Total Time: 15 minutes

Makes: 20 to 22 cookies

Breakfast Cookie Recipe - Dr. Pingel


  • 2 cups gluten-free rolled oats
  • 2 teaspoons of chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoons ground flaxseeds
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ cup almond butter (or any nut butter)
  • 2 bananas, mashed
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 2 teaspoons non-alcoholic vanilla flavoring
  • ¼ cup pumpkin seeds
  • ¼ cup dried cranberries
  • ¼ cup dark chocolate chips (optional)



1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

3. In a large bowl, put the oats, chia seeds, ground flaxseeds, and baking powder. Mix until well-combined.

Breakfast Cookie Recipe - Dr. Pingel

4. In a medium-sized bowl, put the almond butter, bananas, maple syrup, and vanilla. Mix until well-incorporated.

Breakfast Cookie Recipe - Dr. Pingel

5. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, mixing to combine, then fold in the pumpkin seeds, cranberries, and chocolate chips.

Breakfast Cookie Recipe - Dr. Pingel

6. Use a spoon to scoop and drop the batter onto the lined baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes.

Breakfast Cookie Recipe - Dr. Pingel

7. Allow the cookies to cool for 1-2 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

Breakfast Cookie Recipe - Dr. Pingel


Breakfast Cookie Recipe - Dr. Pingel

Super Delicious Breakfast Cookie

Makes: 20 to 22 cookies
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 2 cups gluten-free rolled oats
  • 2 tsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp ground flaxseeds
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup almond butter (or any nut butter)
  • 2 bananas, mashed
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 2 tsp non-alcoholic vanilla flavoring
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips (optional)


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  • In a large bowl, put the oats, chia seeds, ground flaxseeds, and baking powder. Mix until well-combined.
  • In a medium-sized bowl, put the almond butter, bananas, maple syrup, and vanilla. Mix until well-incorporated.
  • Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, mixing to combine, then fold in the pumpkin seeds, cranberries, and chocolate chips.
  • Use a spoon to scoop and drop the batter onto the lined baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes.
  • Allow the cookies to cool for 1-2 minutes before serving. Enjoy!