Delicious Collagen-Boosting Smoothie Bowl with Kiwi and Berries

by | May 5, 2021 | Recipes & DIY | 0 comments

Sometimes I feel the need to give my skin, hair, and joints an extra boost. And when I do, I make this Delicious Collagen-Boosting Smoothie Bowl with Kiwi and Berries for breakfast.

It’s delicious, filling, and really makes the most out of vegan collagen sources that I love to eat. Plus, it’s ready in under five minutes, making it a great option on busy and hectic mornings.

The best part is that it’s so delicious and satisfying that it also makes a great snack or meal replacement, which means I can make it a couple of times a week as needed.

So, what makes it such a powerhouse for your skin, hair, and joints? Let’s take a quick look at why you need a recipe like this, which is full of collagen-boosting foods!


The Role of Collagen in Your Skin, Hair, and Joint Health

As we’ve discussed before, collagen is the structural protein that keeps your skin plump and wrinkle-free. But it’s also vital for maintaining the structure of many parts of your body, including your bones, muscles, tendons, skin, and more.

Believe it or not, collagen actually makes up almost 80 percent of the protein found in your skin! [1]

But, as you age, your natural collagen production decreases. In fact, research has shown that after age 20, your body produces about 1 percent less collagen in your skin each year. [2]

However, aging isn’t the only factor to consider. There are other lifestyle factors that impair the amount or quality of collagen in your body.

For example, according to a 2009 review, stress impairs the quality of collagen. The authors of the review state that stress affects collagen synthesis through glucocorticoid-mediated processes. [3]

So, what can we do? I recommend eating rich vegan-based collagen-boosing foods. And that’s why I made this collagen-boosting smoothie bowl recipe, which is full of foods known to do just that!

What This Recipe Can Do For Your Collagen Production

First, the base of this Delicious Collagen-Boosting Smoothie Bowl with Kiwi and Berries contains mango, which is known to promote collagen synthesis in the body and support skin health.

In 2013 animal study, researchers found that oral consumption of mango extract actually helped fight UVB-related skin aging. And the researchers noted a marked increase in collagen synthesis in the mice who consumed the mango extract. [4]

Moreover, thanks to its vitamin A content, mango also has the power to promote skin regeneration. The retinol in vitamin A actually helps stimulate new skin cell production!

In fact, it’s been shown to not only protect against the breakdown of collagen but even help slow the aging process. [5]

Meanwhile, the base of my collagen-boosting smoothie bowl also contains bananas, which are known to contain glycine.

This is important because glycine is one of the three amino acids needed for the body to produce collagen. In fact, glycine has been shown to aid tendon repair! [6]

Finally, the base of this Delicious Collagen-Boosting Smoothie Bowl with Kiwi and Berries also contains spirulina powder, which is sourced from blue-green algae. You may be surprised to learn that blue-green algae is commonly referred to as the most nutrient-dish food on the earth.

In terms of its collagen-boosting benefits, spirulina is made up of 60 to 65 percent amino acids, primarily glycine and proline. Collagen is made up of 33 percent glycine and 10 percent proline, making spirulina a great collagen-boosting food!

Finally, I’ve chosen kiwi and berries for the toppings. This provides yet another collagen boost because they’re rich in vitamin C, which has been shown to be a very important factor in the synthesis of collagen.

Not only is vitamin C a powerful antioxidant, but it’s also responsible for helping to maintain activity in the enzymes that are part of collagen synthesis. [7]

In fact, according to a study published in 2015, vitamin C significantly induced collagen synthesis in women of all ages, but especially in those under age 50. [8]

As for the berries that top this bowl, a 2013 study revealed consuming blueberries has been shown to actually prevent collagen loss. [9]

This is important because collagen, which is the most abundant protein in the human body, is necessary for skin elasticity. Plus, the more collagen you have, the more youthful your skin appears.

Not a huge fan of blueberries? No worries! According to a 2018 study, the vitamin C abundant in strawberries actually increases type I collagen synthesis as well! [10]

So, if you’ve been wondering how to naturally boost collagen production, you’ve definitely come to the right place. Now, let’s take just three minutes and make this incredible collagen-boosting smoothie bowl!


Collagen-Boosting Smoothie Bowl

Time: 3 minutes

Makes: 1 bowl


Collagen-boosting smoothie - Dr. Pingel



For the base:

½ cup frozen mango

1 small frozen banana

½ cup plant-based milk

1 teaspoon blue spirulina powder

¼ cup ice


For the toppings:

½ kiwi, peeled and sliced

½ cup fresh mixed berries

2 tablespoons vegan granola

1 tablespoon slivered almonds



1. In a high-speed blender, combine the mango, banana, milk, spirulina, and ice. Blend until smooth and creamy. If the mixture is too thick, add water 1 tablespoon at a time.

Collagen-boosting smoothie - Dr. Pingel

2. Transfer the mixture to a bowl. Top with the kiwi, mixed berries, granola, and almonds. Enjoy immediately.

Collagen-boosting smoothie - Dr. Pingel