DIY Anti-Snore Salve

by | Aug 11, 2021 | Recipes & DIY | 0 comments

If you’ve ever slept next to someone who snores or have woken up with a sore throat from snoring, I have something you’re going to want: my DIY Anti-Snore Salve!

Featuring all-natural ingredients and a quick 5-minute prep time, you finally have a solution to help open up those airways and get a great, restful night’s sleep.

So, what makes this recipe so effective?

First, my DIY Anti-Snore Salve features eucalyptus essential oil, which is known to help fight congestion. [1] This is due to the main active component in eucalyptus oil, 1,8 cineole, which has been shown to help relieve nasal obstruction due to sinusitis. [2]

Eucalyptus oil is also effective in breaking up mucous in the nose and throat.

I’ve also included lemon essential oil due to its anti-inflammatory components. [3] Plus, it’s commonly used to help clear congestion as well.

Meanwhile, thyme oil has been known to not only fight inflammation but also contain anti-microbial properties and even help relieve coughs! And since we know that congestion and colds can cause snoring, this is especially useful.

Moreover, thyme has been shown not only to help relieve coughs sooner but also relieve labored breathing associated with respiratory infections. [4]

Finally, the cedarwood oil has been shown in several human and animal studies to promote relaxation and restorative sleep, which can help to hinder snoring. [5]

Now that you know why the main ingredients in this DIY Anti-Snore Salve are so effective, let’s give it a try. Keep reading for the recipe.


DIY Anti-Snore Salve

Time: 5 minutes (+2 hours cooling)

Makes: about ¼ cup


DIY anti-snore - Dr. Pingel



2 tablespoons shea butter

2 tablespoons castor oil

5-6 drops cedarwood essential oil

5-6 drops eucalyptus essential oil

5-6 drops thyme essential oil

5-6 drops lemon essential oil



1. In a small pot, combine the shea butter and castor oil. Heat over medium heat, whisking often until completely combined. Remove from the heat and add in the essential oils. Stir to combine.

DIY anti-snore - Dr. Pingel

2. Pour the mixture into a small heat-proof container with a lid. Refrigerate for 2 hours, or until set.

DIY anti-snore - Dr. Pingel

3. At bedtime, rub a small amount on your chest and/or the bottoms of your feet.

DIY anti-snore - Dr. Pingel