Dr. Pingel’s All-Natural DIY Makeup Remover

by | Mar 16, 2021 | Beauty DIY | 0 comments

Makeup lovers, rejoice! I’ve created the ultimate all-natural DIY makeup remover, and it may just be the answer to your prayers.

If you wear makeup regularly, you know how important it is to make sure it’s all off at the end of the day. But what good does it do if you’re just replacing your makeup with toxic chemicals found in many of the commercial makeup removers?

Instead, give my All-Natural DIY Makeup Remover a try! It requires just four ingredients and 5 minutes of your time, and it contains all-natural ingredients that will support your skin and keep your face feeling fresh and clean!

Plus, I want to make sure the ingredients are working for my skin in as many ways as possible. What do I mean by that? Let’s take a look at what all this DIY makeup remover can do for your skin.

First, I used a base of witch hazel and olive oil for this DIY makeup remover, which is the same base I used recently for my makeup brush cleaner recipe.

They make up my go-to face-cleaning base mixture due to their incredible health properties.

For example, witch hazel is known to help soothe inflammation and even fighting the virus that prevents cold sores.

In fact, studies have shown that witch hazel not only helps to dry out cold sores but even inhibits the activity of the virus that causes them! [1]

And thanks to its astringent properties, witch hazel has also been known to fight acne. [2]

Meanwhile, the olive oil in this recipe also wards off acne, thanks to its anti-microbial properties. But that’s not all.

It’s also rich in vitamins A and E, which have been shown to fight the bacteria that causes acne. [3]

In addition to the witch hazel and olive oil, I’ve also included aloe vera in this DIY makeup remover. Here’s why ….

A study on 30 women revealed that aloe vera not only improved their skin integrity but also decreased the appearance of fine wrinkles and increased moisture. [4]

I don’t know about you, but if I could use a makeup remover that also decreased the appearance of wrinkles, I’m all in!

Finally, the tea tree essential oil in this DIY makeup remover recipe also fights inflammation and contains pretty powerful anti-microbial properties.

In fact, studies have shown that tea tree oil is effective in reducing the number of inflamed acne lesions while also improving scaling, pruritis, and dryness. [5]

And another study found that tea tree oil was 3.5 times more effective at reducing total acne lesions and 5.75 times more effective at improving acne severity when compared to a placebo! [6]

So, as you can see, this DIY makeup remover really offers more benefits than just removing your makeup. Keep reading for the recipe. You’re only five minutes away from clean, healthy skin.


Dr. Pingel’s All-Natural DIY Makeup Remover

Time: 5 minutes

Makes: about ¼ cup


DIY makeup remover - Dr. Pingel



2 tablespoons witch hazel

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

4-6 drops tea tree essential oil



1. In a small bowl, whisk all ingredients vigorously.

DIY makeup remover - Dr. Pingel

2. Use a funnel to transfer the mixture to a dark glass bottle with a dropper or pump top.

DIY makeup remover - Dr. Pingel

3. Apply a small amount of makeup remover to a cotton pad. Wipe gently over your face and eyes to remove makeup.

DIY makeup remover - Dr. Pingel