Easy Black Bean Burger Recipe with Beets

by | Jun 30, 2021 | Recipes & DIY | 0 comments

If you’re trying to cut back on red meat, this is the recipe for you! My Easy Black Bean Burger Recipe with Beets is simple, tasty, and a sure crowd-pleaser.

Try it out for your 4th of July celebration, along with some of my other summer favorites, and sit back as everyone raves about the cook. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if you want to share this incredible recipe!

So, what makes this recipe so great? Well, for starters, it’s right there in the name: This Easy Black Bean Burger Recipe with Beets is just that—easy! It’s ready in about 30 minutes and feeds six.

But it’s also full of health-promoting ingredients, including garlic, mushrooms, beets, black beans, flaxseed, and quinoa. Let’s take a closer look at some of the health benefits associated with eating these foods.

As you may recall, beets contain some pretty incredible health benefits. In fact, a 2016 study revealed that when people with hypertension consumed beet juice for two weeks, they significantly reduced their inflammatory markers and decreased their cholesterol levels as well. [1]

Additionally, the quinoa has been shown to not only promote satiety but also help balance your gut microbiome!

According to a 2018 animal study, eating quinoa can help reduce your gut microbial imbalance. The researchers stated that consuming quinoa may help support intestinal health. [2]

And thanks to it’s high fiber content (one cup contains a whopping 5.2 g of fiber), eating quinoa helps you to feel full longer, which cuts down on everything from in-between-meal snacking to overeating. [3]

In one study, researchers found that people reported greater satiety when they ate oat, buckwheat, and quinoa and less satiety after eating white bread, which left them feeling hungry sooner. [4]

As you can see, this simple black bean burger recipe goes far beyond just providing a tasty dinner—it’s also great for your health. So, let’s not delay anymore and dive into the recipe!


Easy Black Bean Burger Recipe with Beets

Time: 20 minutes (plus 15 minutes cooling)

Makes: 6 burgers


Easy black bean burger recipe - Dr. Pingel



3 tablespoons olive oil, divided

? cup minced mushrooms

3 garlic cloves, minced

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

2 tablespoons ground flaxseed

1 tablespoon water

2 tablespoons vegan mayonnaise 

½ teaspoon cumin

¼ teaspoons coriander

Sea salt and pepper, to taste

½ pound beets, peeled and boiled

1 (15.5 oz) can black beans, drained and rinsed

2 tablespoons sundried tomatoes

1 cup tri color quinoa, cooked



1. In a skillet over medium-high heat, heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Add the mushrooms and garlic and saute for 1-2 minutes, or until fragrant. Add the balsamic vinegar and cook for 1 minute, or until mostly evaporated. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Easy black bean burger recipe - Dr. Pingel

2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the ground flaxseed, water, vegan mayonnaise, cumin, coriander, and salt and pepper. Set aside.

Easy black bean burger recipe - Dr. Pingel

3. In a food processor, combine the beets, black beans, sundried tomatoes, and more salt and pepper to taste. Pulse to mince until the mixture resembles ground beef.

Easy black bean burger recipe - Dr. Pingel

4. Transfer the beet mixture to the bowl with the flaxseed mixture. Add the quinoa and mushroom mixture. Stir to combine. Transfer the mixture to the refrigerator for 15 minutes. 

Easy black bean burger recipe - Dr. Pingel

5. Scoop ¼ cup of mixture at a time to form patties. 

Easy black bean burger recipe - Dr. Pingel

6. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat the remaining olive oil. Cook the patties 4-5 minutes per side, or until brown.

Easy black bean burger recipe - Dr. Pingel

7. Serve the burgers on gluten-free buns with your favorite toppings or on a bed of greens.

Easy black bean burger recipe - Dr. Pingel



  • These burgers can be frozen raw or cooked. 
  • This same mixture can be cooked loose like ground beef.