
Delicious Vegan Snickers Bars

Delicious Vegan Snickers Bars

Halloween is quickly approaching, and while many of us may not know what the holiday will look like this year, one thing is certain: Candy will be a part of it! But that doesn’t mean you have to...

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Easy Vegan Crab Cakes

Easy Vegan Crab Cakes

There’s nothing quite like the delicious and indulgent taste of crab cakes. But what should you do if you’re trying to avoid seafood? I have just the answer: Give my Easy Vegan Crab Cakes a try!...

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Easy & Tasty Cassava Fries Recipe

Easy & Tasty Cassava Fries Recipe

If you’ve ever wanted to try a spin on the traditional French fry, you’ve likely tried the more nutritious and filling sweet potato fries. But have you ever heard of cassava fries? Equally as tasty,...

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Mango Panna Cotta

Mango Panna Cotta

Whenever I want to throw together a dessert, I prioritize two things: ease and healthy ingredients. That’s where this Mango Panna Cotta comes into play. In just 15 minutes, I have this delicious,...

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Blueberry Vanilla Quinoa Bowl

Blueberry Vanilla Quinoa Bowl

Quinoa for breakfast? Don’t let the idea scare you away. This Blueberry Vanilla Quinoa Bowl, which is excerpted from The Total Health Turnaround Program, is just as good as—if not better than—your...

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Guacamole-Filled Homemade Tostadas

Guacamole-Filled Homemade Tostadas

If you’re in the mood for something filling, flavorful, and crunchy, you’re going to love these Guacamole-Filled Homemade Tostadas. And if you haven’t had tostadas before, you’re in for a treat. ...

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Mango Berry Smoothie Bowl

Mango Berry Smoothie Bowl

I love eating fresh fruit in the morning. It’s cool and refreshing, which helps wake me up. But sometimes I like to get a little creative and mix it up a bit. And that’s exactly what I’ve done with...

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Vegan Kale Caesar Salad

Vegan Kale Caesar Salad

Sometimes you’re in the mood for a rich, savory dish … and sometimes you want something light and refreshing but still flavorful. Nothing screams light, refreshing, and flavorful like a caesar...

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