5-Minute Immune-Boosting Turmeric Latte Mix

by | Apr 19, 2021 | Recipes & DIY | 0 comments

Need a quick immune-boosting supplement for your mornings? I have a better option for you: Whip up a batch of my 5-Minute Immune-Boosting Turmeric Latte Mix!

This recipe contains enough mix for eight lattes and is beautiful when stored in a glass container on your countertop. The bonus? Its ingredients support your immune health during these uncertain times.

All you have to do it mix it with warm water or nut milk and you have a delicious beverage designed to support your health and wellbeing—no coffee shop or added expense required!


What Makes This Latte Mix So Healthy

So, what makes it so beneficial for your health? First, this mix features turmeric, which is known to provide many health benefits.

But what makes it so powerful? Well, did you know that turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which has been recognized for its health benefits for many centuries? [1]

Studies suggest that curcumin contains antioxidant effects and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

As a result, it has the ability to combat arthritis, fight infections, protect the liver, prevent cardiovascular plaque deposition, and even fight cancer cells. [2]

Traditionally, curcumin has been used to treat numerous ailments, such as digestive concerns, gynecological conditions, infectious disease, skin rashes, neurodegenerative disease, depression, obesity, heart disease, joint pain, and diabetes.

Clinically, it’s been shown to benefit even more conditions, including ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, diabetic neuropathy, gastric ulcers, renal conditions, immunodeficiency syndromes, gallbladder disease, and chronic prostatitis. [3]

With all of these incredible health benefits, it’s easy to see why turmeric is the main ingredients in my 5-Minute Immune-Boosting Turmeric Latte Mix, isn’t it?

But this turmeric latte mix recipe provides even more powerful spices. And cinnamon is one of them.

As we’ve discussed before, Ceylon cinnamon offers a variety of health benefits, from fighting inflammation to supporting healthy blood sugar levels.

In a 2014 study, researchers tested the anti-inflammatory activities of 115 foods and found that Ceylon cinnamon was one the most potent anti-inflammatory foods of all that were tested. [4]

Additionally, in a 2015 study, researchers surmised that cinnamon could be used as a potential treatment of age-related inflammatory conditions. [5]

Meanwhile, several studies have revealed that consuming cinnamon can actually help lower fasting blood glucose levels by up to 29 percent! [6]

With all of these benefits, it’s hard to believe there could be more. But did you know that one of the most incredible health benefits of cinnamon is its ability to fight infections?

Several studies have shown that cinnamon contains anti-bacterial properties. And one study revealed that it was effective against different bacterial strains, when combined with clove. [7] Pretty incredible, right?

Finally, I want to highlight the last two spices: cardamom and ginger.

Cardamom also contains high levels of antioxidants and is even known to fight inflammatory diseases. But a lesser-known benefit is its impact on dental health.

According to a 2009 study, cardamom was effective in fighting several different bacteria known to cause cavities. [8]

The researchers stated that, based on their findings, cardamom could be used as a potential source to help cure dental caries

Meanwhile, you may be surprised to learn that ginger is a member of the same family as cardamom and turmeric.

It has been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years all over the globe. As a digestive aid, ginger is one of the best herbs for intestinal health because it helps to relieve nausea. [910]

While ginger has also been used traditionally to treat other conditions, including colds, arthritis, and migraines, more clinical research is needed to scientifically confirm these uses.

Now that you have a better idea of what makes this 5-Minute Immune-Boosting Turmeric Latte Mix such a powerhouse of health benefits, let’s dive into the recipe!


5-Minute Immune-Boosting Turmeric Latte Mix

Time: 5 minutes

Makes: Mix for 8 (10-ounce) lattes


Turmeric latte - Dr. Pingel



1 cup full fat coconut milk powder

½ cup ground turmeric

¼ cup coconut sugar

2 tablespoons ground cinnamon

2 tablespoons ground cardamom

1 tablespoon ground ginger

2 teaspoons ground black pepper



1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together all ingredients until combined.

Turmeric latte - Dr. Pingel

2. Store the turmeric latte mix in an airtight container.

Turmeric latte - Dr. Pingel

3. To use, combine 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 8 to 10 ounces hot water or nut or oat milk. Mix with a whisk or milk frother until creamy, then enjoy!